Sample Chapters
Why invest your time and money
into this book and CD-ROM?
this one book will transform your library of conflicting and disjointed
books and collection of information sound bytes on diet and exercise
into a unified and cohesive body of knowledge.
is not some “30 Days to Ultimate Fat Loss,” over-hyped
quick-fix with a fast fizzle. This book and program will challenge
you on many different levels, but as with all great challenges that
cause you to dig in, dig deep, and dig hard, you will come away with
a new understanding of yourself, and the world you live in, and gain
the skills to meet the challenges that face you.
cornerstone of the book is the Health and Wellness
Portfolio™(HWP™). The tools
of the HWP have been used to help people of all shapes,
sizes, and fitness levels reach their performance and appearance goals. No
matter your goals, whether you are 25 or 75 years old, want to lose
10lbs or 100lbs, add ten yards to your golf drive, or be able to walk
10 blocks, the HWP is a tool that will help you reach your goals
more efficiently. The HWP will give you the ability to
effectively analyze and organize current and new information into an
easy-to-apply plan of action.
This book and CD-ROM are for you if you are interested in:
- Gaining freedom from restrictive diets and domineering gurus.
- Knowing what makes all effective fat loss diets and exercise programs
- Developing the tools to build your own customized weight loss solution.
- Using the fitness resources you already have more effectively.
- Learning how to hire a personal trainer and getting more than you
paid for.
- Never hitting a plateau again!
Through vivid analogies and down-to-earth language you will learn
in empowering ways the scientific principles and laws that regulate
your body. Applying this information to your life will result
in an astonishing transformation of both body and mind.
Step by step you will:
- Cultivate the winning mindset needed to reach your fitness goals.
- Create and execute long and short-term fitness and wellness goals.
- Maximize your metabolism by learning what makes it go up and down.
- Design a personalized fat loss diet and exercise program around
your life and likes.
The Bonus Quick Start CD-ROM makes it easy to access
and apply this life changing information with:
- A 60 minute audio quick-start overview that plays in your car.
- An audio coach that guides you through the program.
- A cardio calculator that gives you a personalized 12 week program.
- A body fat calculator that helps you track your progress in your
own home.
- A diet calculator that gives you a personalized diet outline.
- And many more empowering resources.
Click here to take charge of your fitness
future and learn how to manage your Health and Wellness Portfolio,
Medical Professional Reviews:
"I have had the privilege of working with Hank DeGroat in recent months. He is a truly gifted personal trainer. In this book, he imparts a lot of practical wisdom. I would urge you to read it and then read it again and follow his sage advice. I am confident that if we were to do so, many of us will reap notable, tangible and long-lasting benefits."
— Sanjiv Chopra, M.D., Faculty Dean for Continuing Education,
Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School
Tired of fad diets, celebrity endorsed exercise
gadgets, magic fat melting pills and worthless weight loss patches
all of which whittle your wallet not your waistline? Then grab a
copy of “Not Another Guru: Your Easy-to-Understand Guide to the Diet and Exercise Game.” The book is packed with scientifically sound, easy to understand nutrition, exercise and health advise that will have you looking and feeling fitter and thinner. Plus you’ll be empowered to change your lifestyle so you can enjoy your new physique for life. You’ll learn the best ways to workout and eat right to change your body composition and have access to dozens of tools and tips that will help you track your progress and stay motivated. So turn off those info mils and pick up a copy of "Not Another Guru." It’s like having your own personal trainer, nutritionist and coach designing a personalized wellness program that will help you lose weight and
enhance your health permanently.
— Ellen Albertson, M.S., R.D., LDN, CPT, Licensed
Nutritionist/Certified Personal Trainer
Sample Chapters: