Sets | Reps | Weight/Resistance | 1 | | | 2 | | | 3 | | | 4 | | | 5 | | |
Exercise Name: Dynamic Warm Up - Toes to Ears
Ready Position: Take a medium-wide stance. Take 3 deep breaths and relax the body.
Get it Done: In short, you simply want to move each joint of your body through a full range of motion, increasing the range and the speed as the joint warms up. Start by wiggling and crunching all of your toes. Then move to your ankles, rotating in each direction. Next, bend your knees, lifting your heels to your butt. The next major joint is the hip. To warm it up, start with kicks as described with the Straight Leg Kicks with the addition of pulling the leg behind you, using your butt and hamstring, creating a pendulum swinging action with the leg forward and back. The second part of the hip warm up is to lift your leg to the side and allow it to alternate passing in front of your supporting leg, and behind. The upper body warm up starts by rotating your shoulders side-to-side. Lay your arms flop in a rubber man type of fashion. The next upper body movement is self-hugs. Start by giving yourself a hug, then bring your elbows back by squeezing your shoulder blades together. Then repeat,
Pro Tips: This Toes to Ears Dynamic Warm Up is a great way to get the body moving and going first thing in the morning prior to a sporting event, or as a break during the work day to help get out some of the kinks. Even if you don’t take the time to do a full systems check from toes to ears, taking the time throughout the day to rotate your joints through their full range of motion is a great way to be proactive in dealing with stress and keeping your joints mobile and fluid.
Sets | Reps | Weight/Resistance | 1 | | | 2 | | | 3 | | | 4 | | | 5 | | |
Exercise Name: Romanian Deadlift - Beginner
Ready Position: Stand in a medium-to-wide squat stance. Secure the desired barbell or dumbbells. Create a fully body tension by squeezing your legs, butt and bracing your stomach.
Get it Done: Slowly release the tension and push your butt back. Keep your chin up to avoid rounding your back. Keep the weight distributed through the whole of your feet, while avoiding your knees moving in front of your toes. Lower the weight just below your bent knees. To return to the start position, push your feet down and out, brace your stomach tight, and drive your hips up and through the movement until you return to a standing position.
Pro Tips: Do not use a board or plate under your heels to allow you to perform this movement. If you are unable to perform a squatting movement without pain in your knees or using a board or plate under your heels, seek out a qualified personal training professional to help you address your personal compensation patterns and needs.
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